Abstract The recognition of the significance of the res- idential environment in contributing to non-point source (NPS) pollution and the inherently dispersed nature of NPS pollution itself that presents significant challenges to effective regulation has led to the creation and dissemi- nation of best management practices (BMPs) that can reduce the impacts of NPS pollution (Environmental Pro- tection Agency US, Protecting water quality from urban runoff, http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/nps_urban-facts_ final.pdf, 2003). However, very few studies have exam- ined the factors that influence the adoption of BMPs by residential homeowners, despite the fact that residential environments have been identified as one of the most sig- nificant contributors to NPS pollution. Given this need, the purpose of this project was to explore how demographic and knowledge-based factors predict adoption of residen- tial BMPs in an urbanizing watershed in Northern Illinois using statistical analyses of survey data collected as part of a watershed planning process. The findings indicate that broad knowledge of BMPs is the strongest predictor of use for a specific BMP. Knowledge of BMPs is strongly cor- related with their use, which reinforces the need for
educational programs, even among those assumed to be knowledgeable about BMPs.